Thursday, March 31, 2016

IELTS Life Skills A1 model questions (Listening) Q1,Q2 by KU Education

We have added some more practice tests for IELTS Life Skills A1 . To keep in touch with KU's upcoming IELTS practice tests and English tips ,subscribe to our youtube channel and like our Facebook fan page .

பிரித்தானியாவில் வசிக்கும் வாழ்க்கைத்துணையோடு இணையத்தேவையான விசாவிற்கான ILETS Life SKills A1 பரீட்சையின் மாதிரி வினாக்கள் மேலும் இரண்டு கே.யு வின் தயாரிப்பாக இங்கு வழங்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. மேலும் மாதிரிகளைப்பெற எமது Youtube and Facebook பக்கத்தில் இணையுங்கள் .

IELTS Life Skills A1 -(Listening)Sample Test Q1-P1

Thursday, March 24, 2016

What score you need for IELTS Academic Module for a University /College Admission ?

Many of the IELTS test takers have this question in mind. The score required for a college  or university admission differs time to time and based on the  academic program they choose. Cambridge University has released their latest (2016)guidelines of IELTS test score for the higher educational organizations .

If you look at the following  table you  should be able to understand the scores you need to obtain in the exam.  

Monday, March 7, 2016

Most common topics of IELTS writing task 2 (Essay Questions)

As I keep on insisting ,reading a lot on various topics would definitely improve your writing and reading skills .Many students used to ask me the secrets of doing IELTS  writing and reading well . Some suggest them to memorize  essays and phrases as many as they can . Few of my students tend to write essays without any logical connectivity and jump  here and there suddenly even in a single paragraph .Grammar goes to a worse situation  .

But when I asked them to write essays about their family /village/university life etc (familiar topics) they used to do miracles  . Hence the topic  is well known ,writing skill of students boosts ,but when you are not familiar with the topic your energy level goes down an makes you under-perform .

Thus ,reading a lot on the following areas definitely would help you to score more on writing task 2 as well as reading task.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

How to write effective introduction for IELTS writing Task 2(Academic and General ) – IELTS tips #2

 Writing  introduction is a vital part in Task 2  of your IELTS exam(For Task 1 you are given with some key points to write but in Task 2 you have to come up with your own ideas and need to be more creative )

Important things you have to keep in mind :
  1.   A good introduction is important ,but spending a lot of time for introduction is not a good idea . If you happen to spend  more than 3-5 minutes in generating  an  introduction give it  up and start writing the first paragraph and continue .
  2.  So what happens  for the introduction ? –leave a space for it (to have 3 to 4 sentences )and write the rest of the essay. Once you finish it go back and write down the introduction . As you write the essay you get many ideas and you can do a better introduction now .
  3. But  writing a constructive introduction firstly,  is the very common practice and possible for many students .I have given above tips as I have been seeing many students in my class  struggle a lot to write introduction and waste a lot of time in it .But most of them are able to identify the key points of the task and write the paragraphs comfortably .
So how to construct your introduction ? :