It is a quick heads up !,
Since we have received plenty of requests for learning Cambridge Advanced Subsidiary Level and Advanced Level -[Code- 9093 ],we have started offering it at our Jaffna centre (Click here for location )
Learn the techniques from the scratch to answer Paper 1 and Paper 2 from a well experienced ,lecture who posses up to Master Degree from UK and having over 19 years of teaching experience .
You would learn all aspects of English Language including :
- Commenting on style and language of passages [What is style ? learn all styles )
- Directive writing (for Paper 1)
- Composition (Paper 2)
- Various aspects of imaginative writing / narrative writing /descriptive writing
- Improving discursive / argumentative writing styles .
- Improving lexis for the exam
- Points taking / story telling /developing skills
- Developing creativity on a whole for a whooping essay creating