Saturday, December 12, 2015

IELTS Academic writing Task 1 -Free Tips #1 -writing introduction

Writing efficient introduction is a vital part in IELTS writing tasks (1&2). It is critical  but if you just learn the techniques or the simple principles behind it , you can do wonders .

How to write a better introduction ?

# 1.Paraphrase the title (re writing using your own choice of words without changes in the meaning)
# 2.Let it go with high quality words 

Model Question Task 1 )
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The Table below shows the results of a survey that asked 6800 Scottish adults (aged 16 years and over) whether they had taken part in different cultural activities in the past 12 months.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Write at least 150 words.
The table illustrates ...../ The table reveals .....

Model introduction)
The table illustrates ,the  opinions given by 6800 scottish people  of age 16 and up on  their participation in various cultural events in the past 1 year .
Now ,let's see how it is paraphrased

1) The table below shows = The table illustrates
2) Results of a survey = opinions given (obviously opinions are given in surveys ) /opinions given in a research
3) 6800 Scottish adults (aged 16 years and over) = 6800 scottish people  of age 16 and up
4) whether they had taken part in different cultural activitiestheir participation in various cultural events
5)in the past 12 months-in the past 1 year

in above illustration ,you can note the idea of paraphrasing and the quality of the words used.

Got it ? [like our page on Facebook- to get  timely updates on this blog and get free IELTS tips]

Wish you all the best in your exams !

KU Education-IELTS Centre in Jaffna.

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