Saturday, April 2, 2016

Key tips to handle IELTS Speaking test -#01

  1. Be comfortable at the test. Relax. Have a friendly manner with the examiner . Many of the candidates fear about the test conditions ,feel  nervous which leads to make mistakes even during very simple questions  Keep in mind that examiners are just on your duty ,they are there just because of you .It is not a competition with anyone ,and during the test you don’t have any competitor to fight back with you. Be cool.
  2. Tell Lies : As you know you cant tell all answers from your heart. As  there are many questions which may relevant  to topics which you never heard in your life. So learn to lie ! . They don’t expect any real life experience from your answer . They just want to evaluate your level of English ,so that they provide a topic to make you to talk about.

    Examiner : Tell me an incident ,where some one you didn’t know helped you ? [Sample IELTS Spoken Part 2 Question ,where 1 minute is given to prepare and  for 2 minutes you are required to talk non stop] Let’s assume that ,really you didn’t have any such experiences in your life ,then what would you do ?

    Option 1)” Sorry I didn’t get such experience in my life” [Wrong]

    Option 2)[you imagine and create a story during the given 1 minute  and tell it ,whether  it is right or wrong ,even if your sentence structure ,grammar lapse  due to the problem with the topic .[Right way]
  3.  Use the gap fillers . When we talk we use lot of fillers to get some time to think and make the conversation sound great. Eg ; “well”…” You know” , “I Don’t think so “,.. “ I guess “, “ I believe “ ,”in fact”….
  4. Tell the truth if it helps ; Yes you have to tell truth in many case to have a flow of your talk . There are some very artificial and boring questions asked in IELTS speaking test. For instance   On what occasions do you give flowers to others ?  [if you are not sure about it ,and never done it in your life – don’t cook up any story {if you are  not good in that naturally} for this simple question – tell the truth like..]

     “Well I think giving flowers to others on some occasions are very touchy and a good habit though I have never done it in my life.  As which is not much practiced in the social group I belong to ,I guess.”
  5. This post will be updated with some more tips shortly visit back please !

KU Education,
IELTS Training Centre (UK Support Education )
Jaffna,Sri Lanka.

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